Prairie Farmer & Rancher Forum: A Groundbreaking Initiative for Finding Common Ground on Sustainable Agriculture

The Prairie Farmer & Rancher Forum, a groundbreaking initiative fostering collaboration among producers with diverse perspectives has concluded. Organized by Farmers for Climate Solutions, the Forum convened 36 randomly selected farmers and ranchers from across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta to deliberate and develop recommendations aimed at ensuring the long-term sustainability and profitability of Prairie agriculture. Their work and recommendations have now been published in the Final Report of the Prairie Farmer & Rancher Forum.

“The efforts needed to meet the challenges of climate change and enhance sustainability are considerable. Recognizing this, the Forum used a collaborative, honest, and open process of deliberation and dialogue that led to consensus on substantial recommendations to ensure a thriving  future for farmers and ranchers on the Prairies.
— Mary Smillie, Forum Chair

Over the course of three multi-day meetings held in January, February, and March, Forum members engaged in round-table discussions, deliberated the merits of different proposals, and worked together to reach consensus on a vision for the future of agriculture on the Prairies that they could all get behind. To inform their efforts, members received presentations from industry and academic experts on various issues. 

“The Forum’s work is captured in 36 recommendations, detailed in the report, that address some of the biggest challenges facing Prairie agriculture. These recommendations are practical, achievable, and offer the sector a starting point for improving sustainability and profitability in Prairie agriculture.
— Gordon Bacon, Forum Co-Lead

The recommendations span everything from on-farm practices, to research, to funding support for Prairie farming and ranching. They consider measurement, livestock management, soil health, natural habitat, nitrogen management, and energy. 

“At the heart of this initiative is a shared commitment to long-term land stewardship. The Forum stands as a testament to the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of Prairie producers, demonstrating their dedication to championing positive environmental outcomes while producing the food and feed that Canada, and the world, needs. The Forum underscores the capacity of farmers and ranchers to drive meaningful change from the ground up, reinforcing their pivotal role as stewards of Canada’s agri-food system.
— Ian McCreary, Forum Co-Lead

Despite differing viewpoints on climate change among members, their shared commitment to stewardship created a foundation upon which they could listen, learn, and work together to find common ground, emphasizing the importance of solutions built upon shared values and experiences.

“Much is said about polarization and disagreement within the agricultural community in Canada, but there is much more that producers can agree on when given the chance to hear and get to know each other. You don’t always have to agree on the problem to find good solutions.
— Brent Preston, President of Farmers for Climate Solutions

Moving forward, Farmers for Climate Solutions remains committed to advancing the leadership and participation of farmers and ranchers in making the transition to low emissions, high resilience approaches to agriculture. The Forum's work provides a compelling model from which sector organizations and governments can learn. Encouraging the development of solutions grounded in common values, challenges, and opportunities increases the potential for success.

With the publication of the Final Report of the Prairie Farmer & Rancher Forum, Forum members and Farmers for Climate Solutions are hopeful that all actors in the Prairie, and Canadian, agri-food system—including primary producers, farm and ranch organizations, industry groups, food buyers and retailers, governments and consumers—will consider implementing these recommendations and work together toward a healthy, sustainable, and prosperous Prairie agriculture sector.

For more information about the Forum and Farmers for Climate Solutions and to download the Final Report of the Prairie Farmer & Rancher Forum, please visit

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About the Forum team

Brent Preston is the President of the FCS Board of Directors. He farms in southern Ontario, where he runs a wholesale vegetable operation serving the food-service industry. Brent is the co-founder of The New Farm Centre for Climate Action.

Gordon Bacon has spent 30 years working in market development for the Canadian pulse industry and in the Western Canadian wheat and barley sector. He has previously worked for Alberta Agriculture, the Swift Current Research Station, and for former Minister of Agriculture Charlie Mayer.

Ian McCreary owns and operates McCreary Land and Livestock Ltd. in central Saskatchewan with his wife, daughter-in-law, and two sons. Their farm includes annual crops, grazing lands, hay land, and protects approximately 300 acres of trees and wetlands. Ian holds a Masters in Agriculture Economics and was a former research task force chair for FCS.

Mary Smillie is a farmer, facilitator, and improvement advisor. Skilled with a wide variety of engagement methods, Mary works with people to help them better understand and improve their system of work. A nurse by training, Mary brings abundant experience to support people who want to lead and succeed at change-making. 


About Farmers for Climate Solutions

Farmers for Climate Solutions (FCS) is a farmer-led, non-partisan, national coalition aiming to advance policy and programming that supports farmers and ranchers in the face of climate change.

Since its launch in 2020, FCS has been a leader in developing farmer-led recommendations to accelerate climate action in Canadian agriculture. In 2022, FCS launched FaRM, a national field program providing a free, farmer-to-farmer learning hub with resources to help farmers and ranchers integrate beneficial management practices into their operations.

To learn more about Farmers for Climate Solutions, visit their website at

Media Contact

Gabriela Warrior Renaud, Senior Communications Manager


Brent Preston, President of Farmers for Climate Solutions, Forum Co-Leads Gordon Bacon and Ian McCreary, as well as selected Forum members from across the Prairies are available for interviews.